

127 Uppsatser om Value investing - Sida 1 av 9

Företagsanalys, en studie av nyckeltal

Problem:How should a smaller investor behave when investing in the stock market and what knowledge should he have about the business he´s investing in? Purpose:The purpose of this thesis is to give the smaller investor a tool for investing in the stock market. The thesis aim to illustrate, through key ratios, what companies an investor should look for when investing in a company. Method:By studying already existing theories and then apply them on the thesis. The theories was then developed and refined to evolve to the finished thesis.

Effektivisering av Magic Formula Investing : En studie över investeringsstrategier på den svenska aktiemarknaden

I studien behandlas värdeinvesteringsstrategier på den svenska aktiemarknaden med utgångspunkt i Greenblatts (2006) Magic Formula Investing. Syftet med studien är att se om det är möjligt att effektivisera Magic Formula Investing med hjälp av fundamentala signaler som kan hjälpa till att prognostisera bolags framtida vinster och aktieavkastning och därmed nå en högre onormal avkastning. Från Piotroskis (2000) vetenskapligt beprövade investeringsmodell F_SCORE används nyckeltal för att se om en effektivisering av Magic Formula Investing är möjlig. Studiens resultat visar att en utvecklad Magic Formula Investing med Piotroskis (2000) B/M och ACCRUAL kan hjälpa investerare att nå en ökad onormal avkastning med i genomsnitt 10 % per år. Resultatet uppnår statistisk signifikans och därmed dras slutsatsen att en effektivisering av Magic Formula Investing på den svenska marknaden är möjlig.

Value Investing ur ett Genusperspektiv

In light of the current debate on gender equality and behavioral finance, the study aims to describe whether gender differences in financial stock picking can be explained by the different multiples found within the Value investing Theory. Furthermore, the study aims to determine which of the four portfolios, value, growth, male or female, that has had the strongest return. The results suggest that there is an association between female and value stocks as well as between male and growth stocks. Out of the four portfolios, the value and female portfolio were on average the best performers with abnormal returns..

Analysmetoden value investing : ett stöd för aktieinvesterare att nå en riskjusterad överavkastning på börsen

Olika strategier har genom åren använts av investerare för att analysera värdet av företag och aktier. Value investing är en av dessa metoder. Analysmetoden utgår ifrån ett företags fundamentala värden vid aktieanalys. Flera professionella investerare har visat att metoden kan skapa högre avkastning än marknadsgenomsnittet trots att finansiella teorier påstår att det inte är möjligt. Syftet med uppsatsen är att belysa huruvida investeringsmetoden Value investing med framgång kan appliceras på den svenska marknaden.

From Value to Growth Stocks: A Financial Ratio Analysis

The Value investing philosophy, which can be traced at least to the teaching of Graham and Dodd in the 1930?s, entails identifying and investing in potentially under valued stocks with a potential for extraordinary returns. The focus of this thesis is to identify patterns and characteristics in financial accounting data preceding creation of shareholder value. The authors of this thesis utilize a multivariate discriminant analysis in order to identify indicators of value creation and subsequent extraordinary returns in value stocks. A discriminant function is derived which successfully identifies which value stocks will eventually become growth stocks.

Under stadens yta : en studie av framtida användningsmöjligheter i Stockholms underjord

Olika strategier har genom åren använts av investerare för att analysera värdet av företag och aktier. Value investing är en av dessa metoder. Analysmetoden utgår ifrån ett företags fundamentala värden vid aktieanalys. Flera professionella investerare har visat att metoden kan skapa högre avkastning än marknadsgenomsnittet trots att finansiella teorier påstår att det inte är möjligt. Syftet med uppsatsen är att belysa huruvida investeringsmetoden Value investing med framgång kan appliceras på den svenska marknaden.

Price is what you pay, value is what you get : A study about the power of value investing on the stock market

Syfte: Undersöka om det är möjligt att generera en överavkastning på aktier gentemot marknadsindex på OMXS Industrials enligt Net Current Asset Value strategin.Metod: Studien baseras på en kvantitativ metod för att undersöka historiska aktievärden. Datan som används i undersökningen hämtas från Thomson Reuters Datastream och de statistiska värdena bearbetas i Microsoft Office ExcelTeoretiska utgångspunkter: Studien har sin förklaring med utgångspunkt från teorierna om den effektiva marknadshypotesen och CAPM modellen, samt ett avsnitt som utreder principerna om hur värderingsstrategier bör följas.Resultat: Beroende på längden av innehavsperioden visar studien att det i de samtliga fall är fullt möjligt att överträffa marknadsindex, och att den riskjusterade avkastningen i de flesta fall är högre än marknadsindex..

Etableringsstrategier för spannmål : en studie av investeringsbeslut i maskinsystem

In order to produce grain in an economically rational manner numerous decisions have to be made. One of these decisions is what tillage system to use. The cost of the tillage system is a large part of the total cost in grain production. Different tillage systems result in different distribution of fixed costs, operating costs and timeliness costs. The price of the produced grain and cost of inputs also affect the best way to produce grain.

Fair Trade - en studie över socialt ansvarstagande investeringar i terminer

This study investigates how the concept of Social Responsible Investment (SRI) can be applied to futures trading. More specifically, this study examines the possibility of creating a SRI-product for an investor, active in futures investments within commodities, energies and stock indices, and the content of such a product is suggested. We conducted a qualitative study, based on a number of interviews. The study suggests that investments in futures of specific assets are to be equated with investments directly in the underlying assets from a SRI point of view. Therefore, we analyzed the underlying assets of futures traded commodities, energies and stock indices, and used social screening, together with specific screening criteria, for the analysis.

Branschfonders risk och avkastning : Hur påverkar konjunkturcykeln?

Background: Funds have become a more popular way for investments. After the financial crisis in 2008 there was some sectors that shown a better results than other depending if the sector was affected by the economic situation or not. Therefore can  investments in sector funds be a good way to get a high return, but it also has a high risk.Problem: Has the risk any impact on the return considered funds in sectors that is affected by the economic situation relatively to sectors that isn?t affected by the situation in the economy?Purpose: Determine whether sector funds risk has any impact on the return. Also if there are any differences between sectors depending if they are affected by the economic situation or not.

E-learning ? en utbildningsmetod och dess nytta

Companies that invest in e-learning have different expectations regarding the outcome of the investment. According to literature and articles it is common that companies see reduction of costs as the primary benefit with e-learning. Therefore we ask ourselves the question if companies have attained the expected benefit of the investment in e-learning and to what extent cost reduction have been a determining factor in the investments? The purpose of the thesis is to examine if companies that invest in e-learning have attained the expected benefits. We also want to examine what the reason for investing in e-learning is and if cost reduction is the primary reason for investing.

E-learning ? en utbildningsmetod och dess nytta

Companies that invest in e-learning have different expectations regarding the outcome of the investment. According to literature and articles it is common that companies see reduction of costs as the primary benefit with e-learning. Therefore we ask ourselves the question if companies have attained the expected benefit of the investment in e-learning and to what extent cost reduction have been a determining factor in the investments? The purpose of the thesis is to examine if companies that invest in e-learning have attained the expected benefits. We also want to examine what the reason for investing in e-learning is and if cost reduction is the primary reason for investing. The study is founded on a qualitative method that is based on a case study in eight companies.

Gårdsbaserad biogas på Nya Skottorp : utvärdering och optimering av anläggningen och uppgradering av biogasen

Biogas is an expanding sector within the broad field of agriculture and animal production. Small-scale biogas offers local combined power and heating production and the substrate is transformed into high-quality biological fertilizer. This bachelor thesis focuses on a pig farm in south-western Sweden, where biogas is produced from pig manure, evaluates and suggests ways of optimizing the process and investigates whether investing in an upgrading plant would be a feasible and more cost-efficient option. The results show that the biogas plant is working well, although the production differs from the original plans. This shows in turn that planning and examining the basic conditions before making the investment is of great importance, as well as monitoring and keeping detailed statistics of the running process.

Kraftvärmeverk i glesbygd - en möjlighet?

Our purpose in this paper is to examine if there is any profitability for a company with a factory in the timber industry to invest in a combined heat and power, CHP. Based on analysis and the results that the paper generates, we will give Derome AB a suggestion on how it is a profitable investment or not to installing in a CHP.By investing in a CHP plant, you can get a high efficiency, which means that companies can use their resources more effectively. The Swedish wood industry has by-products of production that can be used for combustion in their boiler which is an advantage.The essay is a qualitative study where we have a case company, Derome AB. In this company, we interviewed two employees who have knowledge in the study. They have helped us to provide information and data about their business.We chose to use the pay-off- and the net present value method, NPV, to see if there are profitable advantages for the investment.

Investering i spannmålstorkning och lagring på gårdsnivå : en jämförelse av ett silotorksystem med omrörare och en konventionell anläggning

The current situation for Swedish grain farmers facing a situation with decreasing profitability makes it necessary for the farmers to find ways of increasing the margins in their grain growing. Decreasing profitabilities along with Lantmännens closing of grain elevators contribute to the necessity for farmers to invest in grain storing and drying at the farm. By investing in capacity for drying and storage of grain on the farm it is possible to recieve a higher price on the grain sold due to the possibility to sell when the price is higher compared to the harvesting season. An investment in grain drying and storage with a relatively low investment cost that recently has appeared on the Swedish market is the grain stir drying system. This study contains a comparison of an investment in a grain stir drying system where the grain is dried and stored in the same silo and a conventional drying and storage system.

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